Welcome to the MesoFON mangrove forest model
What is MesoFON?
MesoFON is an individual-based mangrove forest growth model. It is a Java reimplementation of the KiWi model (Berger & Hidenbrandt 2000) done with RePast Simphony. As with KiWi the Field of Neighborhood (FON) approach is used in MesoFON to determine the competitive influence of neighbouring trees on each other (Berger & Hidenbrandt 2000).
Spatial/temporal scale, state variables, processes
The spatial scale of the model is the forest stand with dimensions ranging from 50m x 50m to 100m x 100m. Simulations use to run for 1000 years at intervals of 1 year. The height, diameter at breast height (dbh) and crown dimensions are the tree state variables simulated in MesoFON. Recruitment, growth and mortality are the main processes being accounted for in the model.
Processes in detail
As in the original KiWi model optimal tree growth is computed by usage of the Shugart single tree growth function (Shugart 1984) . Optimal growth is reduced when local environmental conditions at the trunk location are unfavorable. The competitive influence of the neighboring trees represents another reducing factor. It is calculated using the Field of Neighborhood (FON) approach (Berger & Hildenbrandt 2000). The intensity field of competition declines with increasing distance from a focal tree. The competitive influence the foacl tree exerts on a neighbor tree is dependent on the local intensity of the first ond on the overlapping FON area. Tree death takes place when the 5-years moving average of the dbh increment falls below a threshold. Hence, it relies indirectly on the growth process.
New features of MesoFON
As with KiWi MesoFON - at present - is parameterized for the three New World mangrove species: Rhizophora mangle , Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa. However, unlike KiWi MesoFON is prepared for inclusion of 10 species via the RePast GUI and an infinitesimal number of species might be added programmatically. Besides, in MesoFON you are given flexibilty to enter any growth function you consider to be suitable for the problem at hand.
Project development
Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Grueters Uwe.Grueters@forst.tu-dresden.de Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Uta Berger Uta.Berger@tu-dresden.de Department of Forest Biometry and Systems Analysis Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences Dresden University of Technology (TU Dresden) URL: www.forst.tu-dresden.de/SystemsAnalysis
Copyright © June 2012 Dr. U. Grueters
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